Monday, January 11, 2010

Happy New Year

I just realized that it's been more than two weeks since I last posted.  That run-in with the mailman really set the tone for my holiday season, and I'm just now recovering my equilibrium.  I was forced to come to terms with some realities that I'd previously been denying or hiding from.  Not fun but necessary.

Yesterday, I finished a task related to my video work that had been weighing on my consciousness (and conscience) for months.  I knew I'd be relieved, but I wasn't prepared for the lightness I'd feel, the sense of possibility I would experience.   It just reminds me that it's hard to be at peace with myself when I have commitments looming.  It's important for me to follow through with my commitments, so it is vital that I be judicious about what I commit to do. 

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