Monday, December 7, 2009

Zone of Peace - Waking Up

The previous post mentioned Jack Kornfield's idea of a "zone of peace."  He was speaking of creating a zone of peace within and around our selves.  I was startled out of my own zone of peace (and sleep) at 5:00 this morning by an incredibly loud and obnoxious alarm clock blaring from another room.  As I lay in my warm bed, trying to decide whether to get up and address the alarm, I realized I was angry.  I wasn't angry AT anyone.  The noise and the shock had generated a feeling of anger in me that was generalized and pervasive.   I'm so glad that I don't need to use an alarm clock most mornings now.  It was a terrible way for me to start the day - startled, heart thumping, angry.  I've learned that I can tell myself that I intend to way up at a certain time and I will almost always do so.  These days, when I do need to set the alarm, I'm awakened much more gently (and inspirationally) by's "It's a New Day" - "I woke up this morning, feeling all right.  I've been waiting for this moment all my life.  I woke up this morning, feeling brand new, cause the dreams that I've been dreaming finally came true.  It's a new day!"