Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Hello Again

I haven't posted in over a week, and I'm not sure why exactly.  I've started several posts that I just haven't finished.  Some of the thoughts I want to express feel profound, and I bog down when I try to convey properly.  So I haven't posted anything at all.  Hmmm . . . . I know at least one thing that is not conducive to personal peace:  perfectionism.  Perfectionism can show up in my life as a fear of looking stupid, a fear of wasting my time, a fear of failing, a fear of succeeding.  It's been a handy excuse for just not trying very hard sometimes.  But there are plenty of other things that are also not conducive to personal peace:  not being fully present in one's life, not fully expressing oneself, not stretching and growing.  So at least for today, I'm going to choose to show up, be present, express myself, and maybe stretch a little.  Stay tuned for the next post.

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